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Mouse Lock DOM Confusion

November 17, 2011

I’ve been looking through the Firefox source in an attempt to find out how to make some of these components talk to each other, but I keep on running into some sort of issue preventing me from doing so. A couple days back, I pulled Humph’s latest revision which had the MouseLockable interface, and had that put onto window.navigator.pointer. I’m trying to figure out a way for the OS-Specific code in nsWindow to know about the MouseLockable reference in Navigator, or for the MouseLockable to be able to tell the nsWindow to start/stop doing mouse lock. Once that is possible, my previous solution should be able to work properly, hopefully. The specification also states that the MouseLockable should only be able to have Mouse Lock turned on while FullScreen is enabled, it shouldn’t be that hard if it has a pointer to an nsIDOMWindow (like nsGeoLocation), which stores that information.

As well, I followed another post which describes how to add movement into the MouseEvent interface. That’s all well and good until you find out that no where actually stores Mouse X/Y. It simply wasn’t built for it. Calling GetScreenPoint() in the event goes to the OS native code via the widget and gets the position directly and puts it inside refPoint. That’s all well and good, but events are created and destroyed in the blink of an eye, you can’t store previous mouse coordinate values there. So, seeing as the event stores an nsIBaseWidget, and nsWindow is one, it seems like previous/current mouse coordinate values should be stored there. That’s fine until I remembered that pointer is to an nsIBaseWidget, and I don’t know how to detect the type to cast it up safely to get those values. So I’m at a bit of a dead end here, hopefully tomorrow’s class can clear some things up.

Since the code base is so large it’s very easy to get lost, and I still feel pretty lost in all of this myself. Within the next few weeks I hope a lot of things can be cleared up. I think a lot of us feel this way right now.

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